1590 Asset Liability Type Code
Code specifying the type of financial statement item
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>T8Total Income
- <>N2Net Profit or Loss Before Taxes
- <>C7Child Support
- <>S7Self Employment Income
- <>E1Earned Income
- <>G3Government Bonds
- <>A5Alimony
- <>U1Unearned Income
- <>SGStocks
- <>R5Royalties
- <>D3Depreciation
- <>F1Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
- <>M2Malpractice or Liability Insurance Premiums
- <>I6Inventory
- <>T3Taxes
- <>TCTrust
- <>B5Building
- <>P7Professional Fees
- <>H2Heat
- <>SAShare of Partnership Net Profit or Loss
- <>N4Net Worth
- <>C1Capital Gains
- <>CACompany Assets
- <>S1Salary
- <>G5Gross Receipts
- <>A3Accounts Receivable
- <>G2Gift
- <>A4After-tax Net Earnings or Losses
- <>SFState Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
- <>L1Licenses and Fees
- <>T9Total Liability
- <>N3Net Rental Income
- <>C6Certificate of Deposit
- <>CFCredit Card Debt
- <>S6Security Service
- <>B2Before-tax Profit Sharing Cash Contributions
- <>ZZMutually Defined
- <>R2Rent
- <>D4Depreciation or Principle on Business Loans
- <>M5Municipal Bonds
- <>I1Inheritance
- <>T4Telephone
- <>N5Non-owner or Employees Compensation
- <>E6Expenses
- <>G4Gross Profit
- <>A2Accounts Payable
- <>H3Home
- <>J1Janitorial Services
- <>SESole Proprietorship Net Profit or Loss
- <>L2Life Insurance Cash Value
- <>C5Casualty Insurance Premiums
- <>CECost of Goods Sold
- <>S5Scheduled Principal Payments on Debt
- <>E3Employee Benefits
- <>G1Gain or Loss from Sale of Fixed Assets
- <>A7Auto
- <>U3Utilities
- <>W1Workers Compensation
- <>P1Pension
- <>R3Rental Property
- <>PAPublications
- <>D5Disability Insurance Premiums
- <>M4Mortgage
- <>T5Telephone Answering Services
- <>B3Bonds
- <>A8Automobile
- <>P4Personal Assets
- <>M1Maintenance
- <>O3Owner or Employees Compensation
- <>I5Interest on Loans
- <>S4Savings Bonds
- <>E2Electricity
- <>A6Annuities
- <>U2Unemployment Compensation
- <>SDSocial Security (FICA)
- <>L3Limited Partnership Income
- <>N1Net Profit or Loss After Taxes
- <>C4Cash
- <>CDCorporate Bonds
- <>T6Total Assets
- <>C9Commissions
- <>S9Share of After-tax Corporation Earnings or Losses
- <>P2Periodicals
- <>D6Dividends
- <>I3Intangible Assets
- <>O2Other Taxes
- <>I4Interest
- <>T1Tangible Assets - Non-current
- <>TATotal Unearned Income
- <>P5Personal Property
- <>D1Deferred Compensation
- <>SCShare of S Corporation Net Income or Loss
- <>L4Loans
- <>C3Cars
- <>CCCompany Liability
- <>S3Savings
- <>E5Equities
- <>A1Accounting Services
- <>P8Profit Sharing
- <>P3Personal Liability
- <>R1Real Estate
- <>M6Mutual Funds
- <>I2Insurance Premiums
- <>T7Total Earned Income
- <>C8Collectibles
- <>B1Before-tax Pension Plan Cash Contributions
- <>S8Share of After-tax C Corporation Net Income or Loss
- <>TBTreasury Bills
- <>B4Bonus
- <>P6Professional Dues
- <>R4Retirement Plan
- <>D2Dental Insurance Premiums
- <>M3Money Market
- <>O1Other
- <>I7Investment
- <>T2Tangible Assets - Current
- <>CBCompany Capital
- <>S2Sales
- <>E4Equipment Payments
- <>G6Gross Sales
- <>H1Health Insurance Premiums
- <>P9Property Taxes
- <>SBShare of Partnership Ordinary Income
- <>C2Car Loan