1197 Financial Transaction Status Code
Code indicating the status of the transaction
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 1 / Max 2
- <>RNReturn
- <>RERe-deposit
- <>ADAdjustment
- <>MMiscellaneous Credit
- <>PPaid
- <>RIReturn, Insufficient Funds
- <>BVBack Value, Transaction Not Received by Bank
- <>DMiscellaneous Debit
- <>NANonauthorized
- <>AVAuthorized
- <>BMBack Value, Miscellaneous
- <>OOutstanding
- <>RReconciled
- <>BPBack Value, Only Partial Amount Credited/Debited to Account
- <>BABack Value, Transactions had been Posted to Incorrect Account
- <>CCanceled or Voided
- <>SPayment Stopped
- <>RDReturn, Insufficient Data
- <>TRTruncated