1812 Regulatory Type
Type of legislation.
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>15Point of Sale Rebate
- <>07Drug sold anywhere by any retailer
- <>13Not Legal To Advertise
- <>14Not Legal To Discount
- <>12Canadian Tax Not Applicable
- <>01Drug requiring a prescription (Rx)
- <>04Unscheduled Pharmaceutical Drug
- <>02Drug not requiring prescription and behind the counter (BTC)
- <>05Veterinary drug requiring a prescription
- <>08Envionmental Levy
- <>11Canadian Tax Provincial Sales Tax (PST)
- <>03Drug not requiring prescription and is accessible to public and over the counter (OTC)
- <>06Veterinary drug NOT requiring a prescription
- <>10Canadian Tax Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
- <>09Canadian Tax Goods and Services (GST)