1104Name Component Qualifier
Code identifying the type of name component
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>15Maiden or former name
- <>07First Middle Initial
- <>13Combined Name and Account Number
- <>14Name of an agency
- <>22Organization Name
- <>19Corporation
- <>12Combined (Unstructured) Name
- <>17Middle Names
- <>01Prefix
- <>18Preferred First Name or Nickname
- <>04Second Middle Name
- <>16Composite name (used if the name cannot be broken into separate parts, formatted with last name sent first)
- <>20Corporation Suffix
- <>02First Name
- <>05Last Name
- <>08Second Middle Initial
- <>11Doing Business As (DBA) or Trading As (T/A)
- <>03First Middle Name
- <>21Professional Title
- <>06First Initial
- <>10Generation
- <>09Suffix