1336Insurance Type Code
Code identifying the type of insurance policy within a specific insurance program
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 1 / Max 3
- <>15Medicare Secondary Worker's Compensation
- <>MIMedigap Part B
- <>WCWorkers Compensation
- <>PLPersonal
- <>HDHigh Deductible Health Plan
- <>MRMedicare Advantage Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Risk Plan that excludes Part D coverage
- <>MBMedicare Part B
- <>43Medicare Secondary Disabled Beneficiary Under Age 65 with Large Group Health Plan (LGHP)
- <>HBHealth Insurance Exchange (HIX) Bronze
- <>C1Commercial
- <>WUWrap Up Policy
- <>13Medicare Secondary End-Stage Renal Disease Beneficiary in the Mandated Coordination Period with an Employer's Group Health Plan
- <>MOMedicare Advantage Point of Service (POS) Plan that includes Part D Coverage
- <>14Medicare Secondary, No-fault Insurance including Auto is Primary
- <>MHMedigap Part A
- <>EPExclusive Provider Organization
- <>MMedicare Advantage Point of Service (POS) Plan that excludes Part D coverage
- <>19Prescription Drugs
- <>PPPersonal Payment (Cash - No Insurance)
- <>MEMedicare Advantage Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plan that excludes Part D Coverage
- <>FFFamily or Friends
- <>CPMedicare Conditionally Primary
- <>12Medicare Secondary Working Aged Beneficiary or Spouse with Employer Group Health Plan
- <>MNMedicare Advantage Indemnity Plan that excludes Part D coverage
- <>SPSupplemental Policy
- <>HSSpecial Low Income Medicare Beneficiary
- <>17Dental
- <>MKMedicare Advantage Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Risk Plan that includes Part D Coverage
- <>IPIndividual Policy
- <>MTMedicare Advantage Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Plan that excludes Part D coverage
- <>18Vision
- <>MDMedicare Part D
- <>MAMedicare Part A
- <>QMQualified Medicare Beneficiary
- <>DDisability
- <>COConsolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
- <>LCLong Term Care
- <>INIndemnity
- <>16Medicare Secondary Public Health Service (PHS)or Other Federal Agency
- <>MJMedicare Advantage Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Plan that includes Part D Coverage
- <>HGHealth Insurance Exchange (HIX) Gold
- <>GPGroup Policy
- <>TFTax Equity Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA)
- <>PRPreferred Provider Organization (PPO)
- <>RPProperty Insurance - Real
- <>EMedicare - Point of Service (POS)
- <>UMultiple Options Health Plan
- <>LILife Insurance
- <>41Medicare Secondary Black Lung
- <>PEProperty Insurance - Personal
- <>MPMedicare Primary
- <>HMHealth Maintenance Organization (HMO)
- <>HPHealth Insurance Exchange (HIX) Platinum
- <>LDLong Term Policy
- <>MMMedicare Advantage Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plan that includes Part D Coverage
- <>LTLitigation
- <>PSPoint of Service (POS)
- <>MFMedicare Advantage Private Fee for Service
- <>47Medicare Secondary, Other Liability Insurance is Primary
- <>MVMedicare Advantage
- <>OTOther
- <>OAOpen Access Point of Service Plan
- <>MCMedicaid
- <>42Medicare Secondary Veteran's Administration
- <>DBDisability Benefits
- <>HNHealth Maintenance Organization (HMO) - Medicare Risk
- <>MLMedicare Advantage Indemnity Plan that includes Part D Coverage
- <>APAuto Insurance Policy
- <>HAHealth Insurance Exchange (HIX) Silver