TRD Trade Item Ingredient Details
To specify the ingredients, product strength and unit of measure information and specifies what type of substance or drug category the ingredients is identified with.
Position | Element | Name | Type | Min/Max | Repeat | ||
1 | 738 | Measurement Qualifier | Mandatory | ID | 1/3 | 1 | |
2 | 128 | Reference Identification Qualifier | Opt | ID | 2/3 | 1 | |
1 | |||||||
4 | 739 | Measurement Value | Rel | Decimal | 1/20 | 1 | |
1 | |||||||
6 | 1814 | Precursor Status | Opt | ID | 2/2 | 1 | |
7 | 559 | Agency Qualifier Code | Rel | ID | 2/2 | 1 | |
8 | 751 | Product Description Code | Rel | Alphanumeric | 1/12 | 1 | |
9 | 739 | Measurement Value | Rel | Decimal | 1/20 | 1 | |
1 | |||||||
11 | 1073 | Yes/No Condition or Response Code | Opt | ID | 1/1 | 1 | |
12 | 739 | Measurement Value | Opt | Decimal | 1/20 | 1 | |
13 | 1815 | Controlled Drug | Opt | ID | 4/4 | 1 | |
14 | 739 | Measurement Value | Rel | Decimal | 1/20 | 1 | |
1 | |||||||
16 | 1816 | Narcotic | Opt | ID | 4/4 | 1 | |
17 | 739 | Measurement Value | Rel | Decimal | 1/20 | 1 | |
1 |
Element Details
NameMeasurement Qualifier
LengthMin 1 / Max 3
- <>TEEAutodecomposition Temperature
- <>ABOAbsorbance
- <>VOMVomitoxin
- <>QEQuality or Concentration Minimum
- <>BHFBottomhole Pressure - Flowing
- <>N2Arachidonic Acid (ARA)
- <>ROIResidue on Ignition
- <>TTLTrailer Tongue Length
- <>PDXPolydextrose
- <>C7Organic Acids
- <>GSCarbon Black Undertone
- <>DHPDefect Hulls
- <>MULMullen
- <>YPEYield Point Elongation
- <>TXThulium
- <>ZCMCarbon Monoxide
- <>CFICrude Fiber
- <>ELEElevation
- <>LLegal Weight
- <>LTDLiner Top Depth
- <>CLSCalculation Size
- <>PDHPattern Drop Horizontal
- <>LOWLow Boilers
- <>ZTBNewspaper--Tabloid Page
- <>GOLGranulation on Number 80 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>LAILanglier Index
- <>WABWater Absorption
- <>CGCadmium
- <>FLVFlavor Threshold
- <>51Number of Employees
- <>CURCurcumin
- <>IMPImpurities
- <>PRNProportion Normal
- <>THThickness
- <>NBNumber per Bundle
- <>CAFCaffeine
- <>DCCDefect Contrasting Classes
- <>FZOutput Power (Mean RF)
- <>MELMelt Time
- <>S7Sediment
- <>E1End
- <>IMIridium
- <>ZFSulfate Sulfur
- <>JD2Hidden Platform Height
- <>MIPMiscolored Pieces
- <>15Other Repairs
- <>CWCuttable Width
- <>GRIGraininess
- <>OCHOther Carbohydrates
- <>G3Tilt
- <>OKOutput Short-Circuit Current
- <>MIMinimum
- <>JB4Watch Strap Width
- <>37Number of Active Listings
- <>A5Average Differential Pressure
- <>HOCHeat of Combustion
- <>RESResistance
- <>WCWeb Depth/Height
- <>ZVVanadium
- <>LPCamber of Pattern Line
- <>CCTCook Test
- <>FJFace Width
- <>AUNumber of Units Projected
- <>48Cost of Hire
- <>RNRequired Interrupt Release
- <>DHDysprosium
- <>UAUranium
- <>CGPCO2 Gas Production
- <>D8Vertical
- <>PLPercent Defective
- <>MYMagnetizing Field
- <>ZBTN-Butane
- <>COHCoercive Force
- <>SURSurface Roughness
- <>SWShort Width
- <>HDHigh Propagation Delay Time
- <>M9Aspartame
- <>3GWell Test After Oil
- <>UCBCube
- <>FOMForeign Material
- <>AEArgon
- <>SERNumber of Servings
- <>PSWSoftwood Fiber
- <>DXSugar
- <>CHGRate of Change
- <>SHWShipping Weight per Pricing Unit
- <>LSKLength Shrinkage
- <>MHIHighest Torque
- <>CSTChoke Size - Tubing
- <>GCGadolinium
- <>SGSlit Width
- <>EAElongation
- <>HTHeight
- <>HCORelease Rate
- <>L0Leaf Grade
- <>BNBend
- <>DDWDefect Damaged Wheat
- <>TOTTotal Aldehyde Content
- <>PGPolonium
- <>D3Drying Agent
- <>MRModule R (R Bar)
- <>HCTDischarges
- <>GTDGranulation thru Number 20 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>NVONon-volatile Oil
- <>COCCanola Oil Coating
- <>BUBuckles
- <>F1Fire Point
- <>RALResidual Alcohol
- <>VAVitamin A
- <>HOHoles
- <>M2Maximum Differential Pressure
- <>TPSTubing Pressure - Shutin
- <>ANFlute Test
- <>RURhodium
- <>DSDistance Between Points
- <>CHLChlorides
- <>EKAVitamin E Acetate
- <>GHGallium
- <>DMFDistributed Meter Factor
- <>BEBoron Factor
- <>AAOAdded Oil
- <>SLShort Length
- <>EJElectrical Conductivity
- <>COSCost
- <>SOCSodium Acid Pyrophosphate
- <>AGIAggressive Index
- <>NONNon-Volatile Matter
- <>T3Technical
- <>WPPWeight Per Piece
- <>N9Lutein
- <>TSLength Type: Specific
- <>MSAMonounsaturated
- <>BORBoiling Range
- <>WSKWidth Shrinkage
- <>LEFLeaf
- <>GGross Weight
- <>DIRDistillation Range
- <>7Plume Height
- <>ETVEthyl Vanillin Content
- <>VOVVolatiles by Volume
- <>POPPour Point
- <>CRFFree Chlorine Residual
- <>ZTITitanium
- <>GOGGranulation on Number 30 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>OPOpenness
- <>CLCladding Thickness(% of Composite Thickness)
- <>CPTCup Test Adhesion
- <>IHVInherent Viscosity
- <>SFBSolid Fat Index at 50 F
- <>PREPrior Experience
- <>HHWHemispherical Point
- <>WReformulated Fuel Level
- <>TCTemperature
- <>NINumber of Splices per Package Label
- <>IGAAutoignition Temperature
- <>25Marketing Time
- <>STPStaple
- <>78Subcontractor - Labor and Materials
- <>B5Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient
- <>FQFrequency
- <>REHRehydration
- <>WXWax Pick
- <>IFInput Low Voltage
- <>JC6Eyewear Temple Length
- <>FRCFresh Cut
- <>JA4Pant Inseam
- <>NNWNet Net Weight
- <>MBMendelevium
- <>PWPurchased Width
- <>WHWhiteness
- <>IVIodine
- <>TRATrash Area
- <>FAFluorine
- <>43Typical Rents
- <>REReam Weight
- <>DCDuctile Class
- <>FLLongitudinal Flatness
- <>WEWolfram
- <>ZPPhosphorous
- <>UGUsage
- <>ASAsh Fusion Temperature
- <>RHRhenium
- <>PSAPercent Solution Actual
- <>DNDensity
- <>PJPulse Width
- <>IRAInclusion Rating
- <>R8Speed Limit
- <>SQShipped Quantity
- <>EWEmpty Weight
- <>UNAUnipunch Adhesion
- <>HBHeavy Aluminas
- <>PWEPhysical Description - Weight
- <>ESTEsterification
- <>GTIGranulation thru 3/8 Inch U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>CONConcentration
- <>SUTSurface Tension
- <>BXBlood Alcohol
- <>ACActinium
- <>RXRidges
- <>3ATarget Depth
- <>CSRCost Realism
- <>FIMFilm Integrity Test
- <>GEGuided Bends Face
- <>CHAChemical Addition Rate
- <>S10Pulp Impurities
- <>HRHeight of Runners
- <>HCIEmission Factor
- <>BHBromine
- <>AABAflatoxin (United States)
- <>SASort Code CIE LAB
- <>EGEquivalent Temperature
- <>NOCNumber of Cosigners
- <>N4Docosahexanoic Acid (DHA)
- <>SLUSelling Unit
- <>QCQuantity or Loading Maximum
- <>SHAShelf Life
- <>VCGVertical Center of Gravity
- <>DBLDoubles
- <>C1Carbonyl
- <>ELCExposure Ceiling: Threshold Limit Value
- <>TESStorage Temperature
- <>SAPSaponification Number
- <>NOSSuggested Number of Servings
- <>GGRGas Gravity
- <>ZZZMutually Defined
- <>CACaliper
- <>GOJGranulation on Number 6 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>TNTimer Period
- <>NDNeodymium
- <>28Financing Concessions
- <>ZPPPropane
- <>FLPFluid Level Above Pump
- <>57Total Mileage
- <>RCCRecycled Content
- <>SFOSolid Fat Content
- <>ELSAmerican Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value: Short-Term Exposure
- <>CUTCure Time
- <>E7Vitamin B6
- <>WUWeight per Unit of Length
- <>IKIndium
- <>PACDrug Concentration
- <>LFLong Fibers
- <>B8Carbohydrates
- <>AA2Storage Temperarure After Removing Overwrap
- <>S1Smoothness
- <>OMOutside Diameter, Maximum
- <>JD4Running Length
- <>13Utilities
- <>CQCuts
- <>A3Aging Time
- <>ZHXHexane
- <>PZPipe Size Nominal
- <>MOMottles
- <>JB2Watch Case Width
- <>31Suggested Initial List Price
- <>OJOutput Off Current High
- <>JD3Leg Opening
- <>14Carpet or Floors
- <>CVRiboflavin-B2
- <>G2Grain Size
- <>MHMelting Point
- <>JB5Back Rise
- <>36Number of Phases
- <>A4Aromatics
- <>LIPLipids
- <>FKFluid Consistency
- <>WBWeb
- <>PATPatulin
- <>ZWTungsten
- <>AMYAmylograph
- <>ATAdditive
- <>49Frontage
- <>ROReset Pulse Width
- <>DIDiameter
- <>D9Dots per Inch
- <>ADHAdhesion
- <>PMPractice
- <>MXMaximum
- <>SUSSuspended Solids
- <>RAFRoof Adjustment Factor
- <>SVScandium
- <>EPExciting Power
- <>HEHeavy Silicates
- <>LD5Lethal Dose, 50% ("LD-50")
- <>M8Linolenic Acid
- <>3FWell Test Before Water
- <>HEXHexanal
- <>AMIAmines
- <>PHEPhenol
- <>ADAmbient Temperature
- <>DYDyeability
- <>GBGuided Bends Root
- <>SUCSucrose
- <>BOLateral Bow (Camber)
- <>SFSamarium
- <>HCNReleased Quantity
- <>L1Lights
- <>TVOTotal Volatiles
- <>VOLVolume
- <>QDQuality or Concentration Average
- <>CLBCalibration
- <>N3Choline
- <>HALTotal Quantity of Halogens contained in the shipment
- <>ROHRear Over-Hang of Vehicle
- <>C6Omega 6 Fatty Acids
- <>GRGravity
- <>HYDHydroxyl Number
- <>TYTear Strength
- <>NSNumber per Skid
- <>FARFarinograph Arrival Time
- <>IMAImpact Adhesion
- <>MMinimum Weight (for Weight)
- <>ROXOxygen from a Renewable Oxygenate
- <>PDIProtein Dispersibility Index
- <>TETTransportation Temperature
- <>CRLCompression Relaxation
- <>GOMGranulation on 1/2 Inch U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>LRCLovibond Red Color
- <>WACWater Activity
- <>CFCapacitance Out
- <>ALPAlpha-Cellulose
- <>VWTVolume Weight
- <>50Gross Sales
- <>ELTAmerican Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value: Time Weighted Average
- <>KNK&N Holdout
- <>PROProcessability
- <>TIThin Silicates
- <>NCNumber per Coil Group
- <>TCRTemperature Control Range
- <>S6Saturation
- <>E0Extraneous Matter
- <>WRWrinkles
- <>MTDMaximum Total Depth
- <>ILImperfections - Neps
- <>ZNINickel
- <>ZGOrganic Sulfur
- <>LALanthanum
- <>LEALeakers
- <>TTTime
- <>FPVAcetate Plugging Value
- <>ZCACalcium
- <>ZFLNewspaper--Full Page
- <>ELIImmediately Dangerous to Life and Health
- <>LCGLongitudinal Center of Gravity
- <>ABSAbsorbency
- <>ZGEGermanium
- <>CKCalifornium
- <>OCTOptimum Consumption Temperature
- <>CTGCoating
- <>OWOverall Width
- <>MILMilk Fat
- <>FAOFree Fatty Acid As Oleic
- <>22Proximity
- <>CPSCasing Pressure - Shutin
- <>SFESodium Ferrocyanate
- <>TDThin Aluminas
- <>LLLong Leg
- <>FCMFat left in Cooked Meat
- <>B2Number of Comparable Listings
- <>FVTransverse Flatness
- <>REOResidual Ethylene Oxide
- <>MTIFarinograph Mixing Tolerance Index
- <>IAImperfections - Thicks
- <>JC1Extended Depth
- <>FDBFat on a Dry Basis
- <>JA3Heel Height
- <>OGOutput High Current
- <>XHSide Height, Flat Bed With Removable Sides
- <>19Windows
- <>EOREthylene Oxide Residue
- <>PPPowder/Paste Package Size
- <>JOMJominy Hardenability
- <>LDHLimited Dome Height (LDH)
- <>MEMaximum Input Low Voltage
- <>JB8Circumference
- <>NECNet Content
- <>TDPPerforation Top Depth
- <>A9Exposure
- <>SCHSchedule
- <>FFFrancium
- <>MEPMeat Protein
- <>IQInput Clamp Diode Voltage
- <>H8Net Explosive Weight
- <>6FGain
- <>AYNumber of Comparable Sales
- <>44Neighborhood Apartment Vacancy
- <>RBRange Value
- <>BICBark in Chips
- <>DDDepth of Dents
- <>ZMOMolybdenum
- <>EFCEffective Carbohydrates
- <>NESNeutralizing Strength
- <>66Garage (Dealers) Employee Weeks Worked
- <>R2Hematocrit
- <>D4Dry Point
- <>MATMaturity
- <>PBRPure Base Ratio
- <>MUMultiplier
- <>HHHeavy Globular Oxides
- <>HCSChronic Toxicity
- <>GTCGranulation thru Number 18 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>CYBColor Yellowness (+B)
- <>SPSStatic Pressure
- <>IPIPrimary Irritation Index
- <>BRBrightness
- <>F6Height to Tip
- <>UNKUnknowns
- <>DTDistance From Base Point
- <>M5Minimum Speed
- <>LPLLabeled Product Life
- <>DOCDouble Olsen Cup
- <>FOAFoam
- <>AIAcidity
- <>RRReduction Ratio
- <>ZASArsenic
- <>TSOTotal Solids
- <>GOParticle End Point
- <>SODSolids
- <>BBBeryllium
- <>SKShrinkage
- <>EMElmendorf Tear
- <>COTContent
- <>VOAVolatile Oil Ash
- <>QIAbundance
- <>T4Single End Break
- <>CLOChloramphenicol
- <>YAYttrium
- <>AGEInventory Age
- <>QBQuantity or Loading Average
- <>NOBNorbixin
- <>N5Galactooligosaccharides (GOS)
- <>R10Relative Fraction of Pure Long-Chain Cellulose
- <>POLPolariation
- <>FNSFines
- <>5FHeight above Ground
- <>CSCChoke Size - Casing
- <>GTGlass Transition Temperature
- <>DHWDefect Heat Damaged Wheat
- <>RUDUsage Deviation (Applies to Kilowatt Hours, Kilowatt Demand and Reactive Demand)
- <>SSSSuggested Serving Size
- <>C0Color Grade
- <>PRYPorosity
- <>WHTWhip Test
- <>NUNumber per Unit
- <>SLDSolderability
- <>ASAAcid Insoluble Ash
- <>ZIPI-Pentane
- <>FUPFunctionality Penetrometer
- <>NORNumber of References
- <>WPLWater/Product Level
- <>HAZHaze
- <>DWPDew Point
- <>ZTETellurium
- <>DLCDial Count
- <>GOKGranulation on Number 60 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>PRIProduct Index
- <>TOTerbium
- <>NENiacin Equivalent (NE)
- <>CAACitric Acid
- <>29Marketing Concessions
- <>56Total Cost
- <>AA3Storage Temperature After Reconstitution
- <>REDReducing Substance
- <>E6Vitamin B12
- <>WTWeight
- <>IJInput Hold Time
- <>NITNitrite
- <>PABDrug Strength
- <>LGLeg
- <>B9Cholesterol
- <>CPCrimp
- <>GRNGranulation
- <>OCOOil Coating
- <>G4G-Force
- <>HIBHigh Boilers
- <>JA8Watch Case Depth
- <>OLOutput Disable Time from Low Level of a 3-State Output
- <>JD5Torso Length
- <>12Appliances
- <>30Probable Net Price
- <>PEFPerformance
- <>VADVapor Density
- <>BUDBulk Density
- <>A2Adsorption
- <>LIVLimit Intrinsic Viscosity
- <>SGWStacking Weight
- <>MNMinimum Average
- <>JB3Watch Strap Length
- <>PARParticle Size
- <>BQPBase Quantity per Package
- <>LWLong Width
- <>DCTDirt Count
- <>STLShort Term Exposure Limit
- <>WDWidth
- <>IZIngot Pound Size
- <>TURTurbidity
- <>ARBeta Carotene
- <>RIRubidium
- <>DOCompressed File Size
- <>R9Retinol
- <>TOXToxic Emissions Performance
- <>PKPulse Recovery Time
- <>JAJunction Temperature
- <>PEVPeak Viscosity
- <>BYMonounsaturated Fat
- <>AASAcid Solubles
- <>SPSplinter Count
- <>HCHelium
- <>HCXToxicity
- <>GTHGranulation thru Number 7 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas Factor
- <>ABActivation Energy
- <>RYRatio
- <>PSPPast Performance
- <>ZMTMethane
- <>ANTAntibiotics
- <>FILFilter Number
- <>GDGold
- <>S11Salt
- <>HCHDistance to Endpoint
- <>SPHSphere
- <>BIEdible
- <>AACAnethole Content
- <>EFEuropium
- <>GAGrain
- <>NBRNumber of Batteries Required
- <>OTEOthers Each
- <>SHUScoville Heat Units
- <>OXYOxyethylene
- <>BLBlisters
- <>SESelvage Left
- <>ECEnglish Coil Dimensions
- <>HCMRelease Duration
- <>L2Nucleotides
- <>SROSpecific Rotation
- <>QGDuration
- <>DIKDefect Insect Damaged Kernels
- <>CLAClarity
- <>SHEShell
- <>C5Omega 3 Fatty Acids
- <>OXIOxidizable Substance
- <>GQScattered Particles
- <>EXCExtractable Color
- <>NActual Net Weight
- <>NPPercent of Specified
- <>ZCOCobalt
- <>CATCatch Weight
- <>FLDFluid Point
- <>TEWTest Weight
- <>CECapacitance In
- <>QURReportable Quantity
- <>GONGranulation on 1/4 Inch U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>OYOperating Weight
- <>SILSilica (Silicon Dioxide)
- <>BSWPercent Bottom Sediment and Water
- <>FAAFat Acidity
- <>ZPTN-Pentane
- <>FLTFluting
- <>53Per Capita or Each
- <>MGLMonoglyceride
- <>ELWAmerican Industrial Hygienists Association (AIHA) Work Environment Exposure Level (WEEL)
- <>PRLProduct Level
- <>8FDirectional Height above Average Terrain
- <>TJTotal Supply Current
- <>LBLithium
- <>CCFComposite Corrected Factor
- <>FXFiller
- <>S5Stiffness
- <>REAReactivity
- <>E3Total Dietary Fibre
- <>WMLWeight of Moisture Loss
- <>IOInput High Current
- <>ZDLoad Factor
- <>OIOutput Off Current Low
- <>ZZNZinc
- <>AOXAntioxidant
- <>CUCoil Curvature
- <>G1Gutter
- <>MKMicroseperometer (MSEP)
- <>JB6Bag Strap Drop
- <>35Number of Living Units
- <>PECPotassium Chloride
- <>A7Flame Projection Distance
- <>GLEGround Level Elevation
- <>LISListeria
- <>FHFinish
- <>WAWeight per Unit of Area
- <>PAWPattern Width
- <>ORCOrganic Carbon
- <>AWRemaining Economic Life
- <>TACTartaric Acid
- <>RLReduction Ration
- <>DJDominant Wave Length
- <>LPRLine Pressure
- <>SQTServing Quantity
- <>PESPotassium Sorbate
- <>68Gross Wage
- <>CGRColor Grayness RD
- <>PNPalladium
- <>ZOCOctane
- <>HFHardness
- <>PWAProcessed Waste
- <>SUPSuspended Pulp
- <>F8Radius from Coordinates
- <>SUShipped Units
- <>ESEdge
- <>VHHeight, Van Door
- <>DZSugar Alcohol
- <>3EWell Test Before Gas
- <>AGAmericium
- <>TASTaste
- <>FGFreezing Point
- <>IPInput Leakage Current
- <>H9Recommended Exposure Limit
- <>FRUFructose
- <>STFCalories from Saturated and Trans Fats
- <>TPEFarinograph Time to Peak
- <>AXRemaining Physical Life
- <>45Number of Admissions
- <>RCRadius of Corner
- <>P1Price
- <>DEDefects
- <>ZMNManganese
- <>MTMoisture Content
- <>67Bonus Size Amount
- <>R3Epoetin Starting Dosage
- <>TORTorque
- <>PAPackage Separation
- <>D5Wear
- <>HIHafnium
- <>HCRAcute Toxicity
- <>GTBGranulation thru Number 140 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>SPRSeparator Pressure
- <>PIPPiperine
- <>BSFolate
- <>F7Radius from a Location
- <>SZSkid Height
- <>EVREvaporation Rate
- <>RSRMS Range (Side 2)
- <>DUDraw Tension
- <>M4Area
- <>3JEstimated Depth of Operations
- <>AHAstatine
- <>ENZEnzyme
- <>GNGross to Net Conversion Factor
- <>FBUFat due to Butterfat
- <>BCBillet Size
- <>SDVSurface Starch
- <>VREVitamin A Retinol Equivalent (RE)
- <>SJShort Circuits
- <>KVLStrength Coefficient
- <>PLMPreliminary Volume
- <>ELElasticity
- <>VWWidth, Van Door
- <>ESOEssential Oil
- <>SAKSodium Acid Pyrophosphate (SAPP) by Chittick Method
- <>FNYFinished Yield
- <>INVInvertase
- <>T5Skein Break
- <>CLNCleanliness
- <>APPAppearance
- <>FIVFinal Viscosity
- <>WTBWater/Tank Bottom Level
- <>AConsolidated Weight
- <>TUTechnetium
- <>1Control Efficiency
- <>NOXNOx Emissions Performance
- <>WPFWellhead Pressure-Flowing
- <>PDECasing/Liner Tubing Depth
- <>TEXTexture
- <>ABRAbrasion
- <>CJCycle Time
- <>BGLBeta Glucan
- <>GOAGranulation on 3/8 Inch U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>HZCHazardous Component
- <>OVOpacity
- <>DFSDefect Skins
- <>FANFalling Number
- <>23Repairs and Improvements
- <>SFDSolid Fat Index at 80 F
- <>ELXAmerican Industrial Hygienists Association (AIHA) Work Environment Exposure Level (WEEL): Time Weighted Average
- <>KBKrypton
- <>QVolatile Organic Compounds Plus Water
- <>TETenacity
- <>NONominal (Target, Aim)
- <>LMLength, Maximum
- <>B3Present Land Use
- <>FWFlange Width
- <>MEAMedia Depth
- <>JA2Boot Shaft
- <>OFOutput High Voltage
- <>WDRWeight Density Ratio
- <>FFAFree Fatty Acid
- <>18Roof
- <>CZSaturated Fat
- <>DRWDrained Weight
- <>ZHSHydrogen Sulfide
- <>PQPlutonium
- <>MDMeasurement Voltage
- <>MPLMonopalmitin
- <>ZBIBismuth
- <>VANVanilla
- <>GRAGas Test Rate
- <>WODWater-Oil Distribution Coefficient
- <>JA7Waist
- <>OCOutput Low Voltage
- <>SBUSodium Bisulfite
- <>PTPits
- <>MAMean Average
- <>ZNPNeo-Pentane
- <>FCYFood Drug & Cosmetics (FD&C) Yellow Number 5
- <>FBFlare
- <>IUInterrupt Setup Time
- <>RFResistivity
- <>GIRGas Injection Test Rate
- <>RVPReid Vapor Pressure
- <>40Price Per Gross Living Area
- <>PDPlatinum
- <>D0Diacetyl
- <>FSIFree Swelling Index
- <>MQMCQuaid
- <>TDDTotal Sugar (Dry)
- <>SBESodium Benzoate
- <>62Garage Employee Payroll Maximum
- <>LLDLight Load
- <>BVMoisture Loss %
- <>F2Radiated Power
- <>SDCColor Strength
- <>HLHeat Loss
- <>HCWSamples in Compliance
- <>GTGGranulation thru Number 60 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>ZSESelenium
- <>DOGDefect Other Grains
- <>AMAverage Speed
- <>RVRuthenium
- <>EMDEthoxylated Mono & Diglyceride
- <>DPDepth
- <>JUCJuice Content
- <>M1Melt Range
- <>SMBSAM-B Rating
- <>FBPAcetate Break Point
- <>OXSOxidizing Substance
- <>ACNAcid Number
- <>GKTinting Strength
- <>DMEDichloromethane Extract
- <>HCGHorizontal Center of Gravity
- <>SPGSpecific Gravity
- <>E90Vitamin D3
- <>HWSSoftening Point
- <>BFBrinell
- <>SOSort Code CIE LCH
- <>EIExpansion
- <>DIADiastase
- <>WPSWellhead Pressure Shutin
- <>2FAlternate Radio Frequency
- <>POCCompletion
- <>INSInsolubles
- <>DSKDefect Shrunken and Broken Kernels
- <>MONMonetary
- <>LSSLinear Sheet Swelling
- <>ZCECerium
- <>IGRInput Gas Rate
- <>FLNFiber Length
- <>DDestination Weight Agreement
- <>TPThorium
- <>NZNutritional Facts Calculation Size
- <>FNLFines Retained on Screen
- <>INCIncremental Items
- <>4Throughput Rate
- <>TIATitratable Acidity
- <>OSOpen Circuits
- <>RTBReporting Temperature Base
- <>WRAWater Test Rate
- <>COCore Loss
- <>GODGranulation on Number 14 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>SFASolid Fat Index at 104 F
- <>PRFPressure Factor
- <>TTare Weight
- <>PCOPiece Count
- <>NJNumber of Sheets per Package Label
- <>DEMDe Minimis Level
- <>ZCUCopper
- <>26Closed Comparable Sales
- <>VISViscosity
- <>FRFlow Rate
- <>E9Vitamin D
- <>CIVCuene Intrinsic Viscosity
- <>IEImperfections - Thins
- <>JC5Eyewear Lens Width
- <>ZNNitrogen
- <>DCKDockage
- <>ISFInsoluble Fiber
- <>CCLChocolate Liquor
- <>B6Total Project Dwelling Units
- <>FLUFluoride
- <>ZFSIron plus Silicon
- <>52Payroll
- <>SFJSolid Fat Index at 70 F
- <>ELVUnshielded Exposure Rate
- <>TKTimer Pulse Width
- <>NANumber per Package
- <>LCLow Propagation Delay Time
- <>FCBFood Drug & Cosmetics (FD&C) Blue
- <>CCGCombined Center of Gravity
- <>FYBeam
- <>S4Surface Strength
- <>E2Thiamin-B1
- <>INInput Low Current
- <>OHOverhead Height, Receiving Door
- <>JD1Handle Length
- <>MISMilk Solids
- <>16Landscaping
- <>CTCenter-to-center
- <>DRYDryness
- <>MJMajor Section (Stepped)
- <>34Occupancy Rate
- <>A6Average Static Pressure
- <>LIRLiquid Injection Test Rate
- <>FIFilament Count
- <>OUMOrdering Unit
- <>LSShort Leg
- <>FCRFood Drug & Cosmetics (FD&C) Red Number 4
- <>PHWHardwood Fiber
- <>AVAge
- <>RMRMS Range (Side 1)
- <>DKColor Bits in Palette
- <>MPRProduction Rate-Well
- <>PERMagnetic Permeability
- <>VAPVapor Pressure
- <>POPercent of Order (-, +)
- <>HGHeavy Sulfides
- <>F9Operating Hours
- <>RADRadius
- <>STStop Recovery Startup Time
- <>3DWell Test Before Oil
- <>ZSNTin
- <>AFAngle of Bend
- <>DSPDefect Splits
- <>1FRadio Frequency
- <>BMEnergy
- <>SDStrength
- <>EBEdge Burr
- <>EVLEvaporation Loss
- <>HCLPopulation
- <>L3Polydextrose
- <>QFQuality or Concentration Maximum
- <>FUDFull Load
- <>N1Acesulfame-potassium
- <>ZALAluminum
- <>ZDATitanium Dioxide Assay
- <>C4Color Quadrant
- <>GPGroup Package Separation
- <>OTTOthers Total
- <>OExcess Weight Over Maximum
- <>CAUCaustic Reaction Severity
- <>MNLMonolein
- <>DTODefect Total
- <>CRNCrown
- <>FMLFlammability Limits
- <>CDCompression
- <>QUSQuick Sog
- <>ZTATantalum
- <>OXOwnership Share
- <>TWDTire Width
- <>MICMicronaire
- <>PDVPattern Drop Vertical
- <>LOILoss on Ignition
- <>SAHSodium Acid Pyrophosphate (SAPP) by Humidified Boyd Method
- <>VOCVOC Emissions Performance
- <>QKSize Class
- <>YCYtterbium
- <>C9Polyunsaturated Fat
- <>OILOil
- <>BBilled Weight
- <>LC5Lethal Concentration, 50% ("LC-50")
- <>TVThallium
- <>MSDMust Sell By Days
- <>ZCCCalcium Chloride
- <>OLAOleic Acid
- <>2Capture Efficiency
- <>TTRTesla Tolerance Rate
- <>ASHAsh
- <>CICurium
- <>VSOVolume Split to Others
- <>GOBGranulation on Number 10 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>ZZRZirconium
- <>XZSpool Size
- <>MSTMonostearin
- <>NLNumber per Lift
- <>ZCSCalcium Sulfate
- <>20Cleaning or Trash Removal
- <>SFGSolid Fat Index at 92 F
- <>KAKnoop
- <>RPer Unit Dunnage
- <>TFTensile
- <>JC3Eyewear Frame Width
- <>ZHHydrogen
- <>LNLength
- <>TRTTransmissivity Pathlength; The length of the path taken to arrive at transmissivity measurements
- <>B0Blemishes
- <>FTFlange Thickness
- <>S9Site Atmospheric Pressure
- <>ICIncremental Distance
- <>GORGas-to-Oil Ratio
- <>JA1Boot Circumference
- <>OEOutput Low Current
- <>PGMPropylene Glycol Monoesters
- <>CYContamination
- <>UPWUnits per Weight
- <>TOAAquatic Toxicity
- <>ZHPHeptane
- <>PRPraseodymium
- <>MGMercury
- <>MPOMoisture Protein Ratio
- <>PEOPeroxidase
- <>FDFrequency of Operation
- <>MEREfficient Rate-Reservoir
- <>WMPWiley Melting Point
- <>WMWidth, Maximum
- <>ISInput High Voltage
- <>ISPIncubated Spindown
- <>TRDTire Diameter
- <>TPFTemperature Factor
- <>P2Percent Daily Value (DV) / Recommended Daily Intake (RDI)
- <>DFDistance Across Flats
- <>MWMolecular Weight
- <>ZBZBenzene
- <>GLYGlycerin
- <>4FSquelch Tone
- <>PBPressure
- <>D6Horizontal
- <>UNIUniformity
- <>HJHolmium
- <>HCQWind Speed
- <>GTAGranulation thru Number 100 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>COFCoefficient Factor
- <>BPBoiling Point
- <>F4Height above Average Terrain
- <>SYService Interrupt Duration
- <>RPReduction of Area
- <>EMBBones
- <>DVStarch
- <>M7Linoleic Acid
- <>3IWell Test After Water
- <>FOCFinishing Oil Roasted
- <>AKVolatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
- <>GMEmulsion Gloss
- <>S18Hemicellulose
- <>SMDSAM-D Rating
- <>SSJServing Size
- <>SPASaturated Fatty Acid as Palmitic
- <>COVCoverage
- <>SOFSoftening Range
- <>SULSulfite
- <>PICPick Off
- <>SISupply Current
- <>EOVitamin K
- <>HZHazepoint
- <>FIBFiber
- <>GJGrit, Unbrushed
- <>RDSReducing Sugars
- <>SNStain
- <>EHErbium
- <>T90T90
- <>SOASoda
- <>BGBerkelium
- <>CRTTotal Chlorine Residual
- <>QLQuality
- <>T1Tire Pressure
- <>EXHExhaust Benzene Emissions
- <>YDYarn Count
- <>TSZTrim Size
- <>ZCDCarbon Dioxide
- <>CPFCasing Pressure - Flowing
- <>ELLExplosion Limit
- <>EEstimated New Weight
- <>H2OWater Volume
- <>TQThin Globular Oxides
- <>VOTVolatiles
- <>PORPropylene Oxide Residue
- <>5Cloud Cover
- <>ORDistance Between Outside Runners
- <>MIIMineral Impurities
- <>VBAV-Bend Adhesion
- <>CNChlorine
- <>CTBClasses that Blend
- <>GOEGranulation on Number 20 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>58Number of Rating Units
- <>PRGPropylene Glycol
- <>UWeight per Unit
- <>TAThickness Heavy End (Tapered/Stepped)
- <>AXLAxle Length
- <>NKNesting Factor
- <>27Competitive Listings in Price Range
- <>B7Biotin
- <>FSFold Strength
- <>E8Vitamin C
- <>IDInside Diameter
- <>JC4Eyewear Lens Height
- <>PALPattern Length
- <>ZOOxygen
- <>TRSTransmissivity; Measure of the quantity of light that passes through a given volume of seawater; also used to measure turbidity and to estimate plant growing zones in the ocean
- <>DRSDark Specs
- <>JA6Sleeve
- <>OBOsmium
- <>MLTMinimum Lifespan From Time of Arrival
- <>NEFNesting Increments
- <>PUPressure Base
- <>ITInterrupt Pulse Period
- <>DXIInvert Sugar
- <>TRCTrash Count
- <>FCShort Cycle Flatness
- <>RGRadium
- <>DADelta Value A
- <>41Built-up Rate
- <>63Employee Gross Wage Less Allowable Deductions
- <>MDLMethod Detection Limit; Minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported with 99% confidence that analyte concentration is greater than zero
- <>R7Speed
- <>PEPotassium
- <>D1Maximum Dilatation
- <>PQLPractical Quantitation Limit; Lowest concentration of a substance which can be consistently determined within +/- 20% of the true concentration by 75% of the laboratories tested in a performance evaluation study
- <>MPMullen Pop
- <>PEXPerioxide Value
- <>BWBasis Weight
- <>F3Output Power (Peak Envelope)
- <>EXEccentricity
- <>HMHeight, Maximum
- <>HCVFertilization
- <>GTFGranulation thru Number 50 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>TPQThreshold Planning Quantity
- <>ZSDSulfur Dioxide
- <>ALSpine Show
- <>RWRolling Width
- <>DQSoluble Fibre
- <>IXDIndex Differential
- <>COLColor
- <>BZNiacin-B3
- <>AAPAC-apparent Power
- <>SSSilver
- <>FOIFouling Index
- <>AAAlternating Current
- <>SEVSeverity
- <>3CTotal Depth
- <>ZSISilicon
- <>GGGauge
- <>CHCConcentration of Hazardous Component
- <>S12Start
- <>MORMortality
- <>APIAPI Gravity
- <>BJBurst Index
- <>SCSchedule Number (Pipe Size)
- <>EEEinsteinium
- <>HPHeight of Tread Plate Pattern
- <>HCKPollutant Emission
- <>L4Sucralose
- <>N6Inositol
- <>SABSodium Acid Pyrophosphate (SAPP) by Boyd Method
- <>VOIVolatile Oil
- <>QAQuality Index
- <>CWTCharge Weight
- <>C3Maximum Contraction
- <>GWGross Weight, Maximum
- <>HGround Water Reference Point
- <>PRZProportion Fertilized
- <>NVN Value
- <>FAWFace Weight
- <>ZPBLead
- <>8Individuals
- <>LOSLoss on Drying
- <>CCCelsius
- <>GOHGranulation on Number 40 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>XPSpecified
- <>NFNeon
- <>XMaximum Weight (for Rate)
- <>PCCPost Consumer Content
- <>TLTapered/Stepped Length Type
- <>PAAActive Ingredient in Product
- <>ZBBoron
- <>LDLawrencium
- <>S3Sheffield Smoothness
- <>E5Transfatty Acids
- <>IIInput Setup Time
- <>MCNMagnetic Contamination
- <>OOOutput Enable Time from Low Level of a 3-State Output
- <>SIZSize
- <>JD6Waist Width
- <>11Structural Costs
- <>DWCDefect Wheat of Other Classes
- <>KPSKing Pin Setting
- <>CSCross Section
- <>PXPurity
- <>WINWater Insolubles
- <>MMManagement
- <>33Probable Final Value
- <>A1Acids
- <>GLCGlycerol
- <>STOStorage Handling Temperature
- <>FNFlatness
- <>SXSSodium Sulfate
- <>IYInduction
- <>ZRPyritic Sulfur
- <>LTLengthwise Spacing
- <>TRNTransmittance
- <>TPLTubing Pressure - Flowing
- <>BBXBrix
- <>RJRockwell-C
- <>DLDelta Value L
- <>ZMGMagnesium
- <>FECFenchone Content
- <>BNDAmount Bound in Material
- <>IDEIdentification
- <>SBISodium Bicarbonate
- <>ADMDye Manufacturing Units
- <>PHPulse Setup Time
- <>CTTContact Time
- <>ODOutside Diameter
- <>PGLPolyethylene Glycol
- <>FMPFat Melting Point
- <>CXCalculated Value
- <>OCGOil/Condensate Gravity
- <>SBRSodium Bicarbonate Release
- <>PSProtactinium
- <>MFMinimum Input High Voltage
- <>38Price Active Listings
- <>VALVanillin
- <>TCLTire Tread Contact Length
- <>FEFermium
- <>SXXS10 Minus S18 Value
- <>WLWall Thickness
- <>IRIdeal Diameter
- <>PPSProprietary Shade
- <>NILNil Ductility Test
- <>AMWAverage Molecular Weight
- <>FORForeign Matter
- <>AZArbor Size
- <>HVMHeavy Metals
- <>RARelative Humidity
- <>DGDirect Current
- <>RSZRoll Size
- <>MVMaximum Average
- <>65Garage Employee Average Hours Worked Per Week
- <>R1Hemoglobin
- <>PCPer Hundred Linear Yards
- <>D7Distillation Fraction
- <>SXSodium
- <>HKHuman Factors
- <>HCPSulfur Content
- <>AVTAverage Temperature
- <>BQBreaks
- <>F5Ground Elevation
- <>ZSBAntimony
- <>BBCBroken Cookies
- <>FOBFinishing Oil Honey Roasted
- <>AJAim Gage
- <>RQRadon
- <>DWWidth, Boxcar Door
- <>M6Maximum Speed
- <>3HWell Test After Gas
- <>SSKServing Size Weight
- <>GLGloss
- <>OTHOdor Threshold
- <>BABarium
- <>SUMSuspended Matter
- <>SHStrontium
- <>ENEntanglement
- <>TTCTotal Carbohydrates
- <>ZETEthane
- <>ASYAssay
- <>R18Relative Fraction of Total Cellulose
- <>PODPhysical Description - Outer Diameter
- <>QJBiomass
- <>MOIMoisture
- <>YBYield
- <>C8Pantothenic Acid
- <>FITFilterability
- <>EO1Vitamin K1
- <>CFFCalories from Fat
- <>CActual New Repeated for Combination
- <>PRQProduct Reportable Quantity
- <>TWTop
- <>WSOWater Solubles
- <>ZCBColumbium
- <>CAYCase Yield
- <>ALNAlkalinity Number
- <>INDInitial Deformation Point
- <>3Photonflux Density
- <>HARHardening Rate
- <>SLLSalmonella
- <>PDGPump Depth from Ground
- <>AOEEthyl Alcohol
- <>CHCesium
- <>GOCGranulation on Number 100 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>OTOutput Delay Time
- <>TGThin Sulfides
- <>PUNPungency
- <>NMNumber Pkgs. per Master Pack
- <>ZCRChromium
- <>BRSBreaking Strength
- <>21Probable Sales Price
- <>CPPCount per Pound
- <>PRAProportion Alive
- <>SState Weight
- <>IBImpact Energy
- <>JC2Eyewear Bridge Width
- <>LOLong Length
- <>B1Base Number
- <>FUAzimuth
- <>S8Solubility
- <>RELReflectance
- <>CFSContainer Forward Setting
- <>SFCShort Fiber Content
- <>VOxygenation Level
- <>TBThickness Small End (Tapered/Stepped)
- <>NHNumber of Items per Package Label
- <>FAIFat As Is
- <>CALCalories
- <>24Contributory Value of Repairs and Improvements
- <>TRPTricalcium Phosphate
- <>79Subcontractor - Labor Only
- <>B4Subject Phase Dwelling Units
- <>FPFlashpoint
- <>MEFMeter Factor
- <>REIRefractive Index
- <>IGGranulated Ingot Size
- <>JC7Footsies Shoulder to Toe
- <>ZNBNiobium
- <>JA5Shoe Platform Height
- <>OAOffset
- <>LASLot Acceptability for Shape
- <>PBDPlug Back Total Depth
- <>MCMin./Max Cuttable Width
- <>NEENon-volatile Ether Extract
- <>PVPicks
- <>WIWinding Loss
- <>IWIncrustation Factor
- <>OAPObserved American Petroleum Institute Gravity
- <>STAStability
- <>VIAVitamin A Palimate
- <>42Vacant Rate
- <>RDReadpoint
- <>DBDelta Value B
- <>R4Creatinine
- <>PFPromethium
- <>D2Dispersing Agent
- <>DYCDye Content
- <>MSMinor Section (Stepped)
- <>NEUNeutralization Number
- <>GTEGranulation thru Number 200 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>BTBursts
- <>F0Fat
- <>HCUEffectiveness
- <>M3Maximum Static Pressure
- <>SKFStacking Factor
- <>ZSGAdded Sugars
- <>BBFButterfat
- <>AOAlcohol
- <>RTRounds Ammunition/Military
- <>DRDelta R
- <>O1Orifice - Inside Diameter
- <>LSALock Seam Adhesion
- <>GIGrit, Brushed
- <>SMShear
- <>EKVitamin E
- <>GELGel
- <>TVDMaximum True Vertical Depth
- <>CORCorrosiveness
- <>BDBias
- <>SALSalinity; Salt level in a sample of seawater
- <>T2Tube - Inside Diameter
- <>N8L-Methionine
- <>BDPPerforation Bottom Depth
- <>WELWeight Loss
- <>ALKAlkalinity
- <>OLEOlefins
- <>ELOOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit
- <>FDeficit Weight
- <>TRLength Type: Random
- <>TICTotal Items
- <>SLISlagging Index
- <>VOWVolatiles by Weight
- <>DISDispersion
- <>6Velocity
- <>GOFGranulation on Number 25 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>OQOutput Enable Time from High Level of a 3-State Output
- <>WDEWater Depth
- <>CMCures
- <>OCROil/Condensate Test Rate
- <>SASSaturated Fatty Acid as Stearic
- <>9Storage Limits
- <>BHSBottomhole Pressure - Shutin
- <>WPNWhey Protein Nitrogen
- <>ASCAverage Servings Per Case
- <>XQSquareness
- <>DATDatum Depth
- <>CBProtein
- <>GOIGranulation on Number 50 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>TMLength Type: Multiples
- <>HYPHydroxyporpylcellulose
- <>PCBTotal quantity of PolyChlorinated Biphenyl contained in the shipment
- <>NGNobelium
- <>ALTAlternate Measurement
- <>54Remuneration
- <>ELPOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit Ceiling
- <>IHInput Current
- <>JC8Front Rise
- <>ZCCarbon
- <>FRMFinal Raisin Moisture
- <>ODROdor
- <>LELutetium
- <>CCACinnamic Aldehyde
- <>ITDIntegrated Differential
- <>AA1Storage Temperature After Opening
- <>S2Selvedge on Beam
- <>REFRefining
- <>E4Total Fat
- <>ONOutput Disable Time from High Level of a 3-State Output
- <>JD7Collar Size
- <>XAXenon
- <>10Painting Costs
- <>FMZFlammability
- <>CRCrosswise Spacing
- <>MDPMettler Dropping Point
- <>PYPercent of Water
- <>JB1Watch Case Height
- <>NTSNatural Tomato Soluables
- <>32Value Change
- <>VINVinyl
- <>WFWait Recovery Startup Time
- <>IXInside Diameter, Minimum
- <>H1Heavies
- <>DXEDextrose Equivalent
- <>ZSSulfur
- <>EPLExpected Product Life
- <>APAverage Pressure
- <>SVLSurvival
- <>RKRockwell-B
- <>DMDual Amplitude
- <>MPTMany Press Test
- <>HTEHeat Equivalency
- <>PIPulse Hold Time
- <>SRSelvage Right
- <>ETEnd Point
- <>VOVoltage
- <>HAHydro Pressure
- <>GESGel Strength
- <>PWFPower Factor
- <>GTJGranulation thru Number 6 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>PHApH
- <>FOHFront Over-Hang of Vehicle
- <>DPMDegree of Polymerization
- <>PSRPesticide Residuals
- <>3BCurrent Depth
- <>SSASodium Silico Aluminate
- <>FINFineness
- <>GFGuided Bends Side
- <>EXTExtractables
- <>CHBChlorophyll-a
- <>L5Taurine
- <>OBTObserved Temperature
- <>BKBulk
- <>AAAAcetic Acid
- <>SBSort Code CMC
- <>EDEddy
- <>HCJHeat Content
- <>N7L-Carnitine
- <>SACSodium Ascorbate
- <>ZIBI-Butane
- <>DILDilution Factor; An amount by which a quantity is diluted in order to be read on an instrument scale
- <>ETHEthoxyquin
- <>RNURecommended Number of Uses
- <>C2Catalyst
- <>T50T50
- <>IHeat Input
- <>PFOPerforation Feet Open
- <>ZFEIron