1423 License Plate Type
Code identifying the type of license
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>TXTaxi
- <>DXDisabled Person
- <>BUBus
- <>REReciprocal (or Reciprocity)
- <>LFLaw Enforcement
- <>S1Special Car
- <>ATAll Terrain Vehicle
- <>SVSchool Vehicle
- <>DDDentist
- <>JJJudge or Justice
- <>VFVeterans of Foreign Wars
- <>OLOther License Plate Types
- <>FMFarm Vehicle
- <>ARAmateur Radio or Citizen's Band Radio Operator
- <>RIReissue
- <>UVUtility Vehicle (UTV)
- <>CUCounty Owned
- <>USU.S. Government Vehicle
- <>FGForeign Government
- <>IPInternational Plate
- <>DUDuplicate
- <>MDMotorcycle Dealer
- <>AMAmbulance
- <>RVRented Vehicle or Trailer
- <>DPDiplomatic
- <>TPTransporter
- <>COCommercial
- <>TKTruck
- <>LSLegislative, State
- <>STState Owned Vehicle
- <>CICity Owned or Municipal Vehicle
- <>FDFire Department
- <>RPReplacement
- <>DVDisabled Veteran
- <>SNSnowmobile
- <>OBOmnibus
- <>ITIn-transit
- <>DADrive-away
- <>PEPersonalized or Customized
- <>MPMoped
- <>EXExempt
- <>VNVan
- <>SCSpecial Purpose Commercial Vehicle
- <>CCConsular Corps
- <>TLTrailer
- <>PXPharmacist
- <>AQAntique
- <>DLDealer
- <>PHPhysician
- <>MFManufacturer
- <>MVMilitary Vehicle, U.S.
- <>PCPassenger Car
- <>MCMotorcycle
- <>DBDune Buggy
- <>TRTruck - Tractor
- <>TMTemporary Tags
- <>NGNational Guard Member
- <>LELegislative, U.S.
- <>MLMilitary Vehicle, Canadian
- <>APApportioned