G25 F.O.B. Information
AtMax 1
To transmit information pertaining to method of freight payment and transfer of title
Element Details
NameShipment Method of Payment
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>NRNon Revenue
- <>WCWeight Condition
- <>PLPrepaid Local, Collect Outstate
- <>CAAdvance Collect
- <>MXMixed
- <>CFCollect, Freight Credited Back to Customer
- <>NCService Freight, No Charge
- <>PPPrepaid (by Seller)
- <>DDDelivered Duty Paid
- <>RCReturn Container Freight Paid by Customer
- <>DEPer Contract
- <>PAAdvance Prepaid
- <>RSReturn Container Freight Paid by Supplier
- <>RFReturn Container Freight Free
- <>PDPrepaid by Processor
- <>TPThird Party Pay
- <>POPrepaid Only
- <>SDFree Domicile (Shipper pays duty, tax and freight)
- <>CDCollect on Delivery
- <>DFDefined by Buyer and Seller
- <>PBCustomer Pick-up/Backhaul
- <>BPPaid by Buyer
- <>CNCost and Freight
- <>PUPickup
- <>PEPrepaid and Summary Bill
- <>HPHalf Prepaid
- <>CCCollect
- <>11Rule 11 Shipment
- <>PSPaid by Seller
- <>PCPrepaid but Charged to Customer
- <>FOFOB Port of Call