EDI Software and other components of your EDI Solution
On September 8, 2020 by ZenbridgeIf you are new to EDI integrations and EDI software, things could be a little overwhelming. If you are modern-day developer chances are you are new to EDI. So let’s break down the pieces into a typical EDI solution. Throughout your EDI journey, you will come across these terms constantly, Let’s take a look at

EDI File Format – A Quick Overview
On September 8, 2020 by ZenbridgeWhen you are dealing with a business partner, there is an exchange of documents such as a Purchase order, Invoice, Shipment notification, etc. Traditionally this done through paper. The digital form of such business documents is what EDI is. People use emails and fax as well, but such communications still involve people to receive, review

EDI Standards | Commonly used EDI Standards
On September 8, 2020 by ZenbridgeIf you are dealing with EDI you would hear the term EDI standard very often. Let’s take a look at what it means and the different EDI standards. What is an EDI Standard? EDI standards give a certain format to data in an EDI file. Let’s take an excel sheet that has a list of

ANSI X12 EDI Standard: Definition, Benefits, and Industry Use Cases
On September 8, 2020 by Karthikeyan Mani KannanThe ANSI X12 EDI standard was developed in 1979 by the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC X12), a standards organization supervised by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It was designed to establish a uniform format for electronic data interchange (EDI) (link)across multiple industries. Initially adopted in North America, it quickly gained worldwide popularity due to