Convert XML/JSON to Compliant EDI & vice-versa

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How Zenbridge is beneficial ?
One platform for all major EDI standards

Zenbridge platform supports all versions of ANSI X12 and EDIFACT. No matter what your primary industry is, you can send and receive EDI using our API as long as you are using ANSI X12 or EDIFACT.

Our API for all documents, all versions

Zenbridge is the only EDI-as-API platform that supports all EDI documents of ANSI X12 and EDIFACT across all versions..

Real-time compliance validation

Zenbridge can validate your messages against partner compliance rules before transmission, making real-time compliance a reality. This ensures there are no non-compliant EDI exchanges.

Eliminates the need for EDI expertise & infrastructure

If you are an application developer or an enterprise software company developing EDI solutions, our API eliminates the need for you to invest in EDI expertise & infrastructure. Use your existing API toolsets to build solutions.

How Zenbridge works ?

Zenbridge is a cloud-based EDI platform featuring APIs for sending and receiving EDI, along with pre-built connectors for hundreds of trading partners and ERPs.

EDI platform for API developers

Zenbridge is a platform built with the "developer experience" as the focal point. Only this can truly make it faster, easier, and cheaper for companies to implement EDI projects. API ecosystem is one of the most advanced, mature & cost-effective ecosystems out there in terms of connectivity, toolsets, and infrastructure. API development also happens to be the most commonly available developer skill set, while EDI expertise is one of the rarest.

Easy-to-use API

Our API documentation is friendly and easy to consume, abstracting out all the complexities of EDI and compliance requirements.

Sandbox environment

We have Sandbox environments that you can use to develop, test, and learn integrations. This ensures you have a fully tested and stable solution before moving into production

Support for X12 & EDIFACT

Our API supports all documents and all versions of ANSI X12 and EDIFACT. No matter what your primary industry is, and where your partners are, you can send and receive EDI using our API