The best EDI support in the market

Exclusive delivery manager, end-to-end trading partner management, unlimited training hours & 24X 7 support on Chat, Email & Phone.

Our dedicated team is here to help you

“Do whatever it takes” is our principle when it comes to EDI support. Zenbridge’s team ensures that you receive exceptional service and support. We are here for you.

Support request

To register a support ticket, contact our 24/7 support team via chat, email, or phone. Choose the most convenient channel, and we'll respond promptly.

Sales & demo

If you are interested in Zenbridge and would like to see a demo of our product, please schedule a demo/meeting using this link.

General inquiries

Got any questions or feedback on things other than support & sales? Reach out to use by filling out this form. We should get back to you ASAP.

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Your own EDI expert & project manager - A long lasting relationship

No matter which pricing plan you belong to, Zenbridge offers exclusive Delivery manager

Single point of contact

Ensuring you avoid dealing with multiple representatives, Our delivery manager serves as your single point of contact, providing consistent communication and tailored solutions.

Product & EDI expertise

Zenbridge’s delivery managers provide guidance to you and your team on our product, suggest solutions to your EDI problems.

Issue resolution & monitoring

Our Delivery managers along with their support team monitor your EDI transactions and alert you and your trading partners in case of issues with resolutions.

End to end trading partner management

The complete handling of all interactions and processes between a business and its trading partners..

Faster & stabler integrations

Our API eliminates EDI complexities resulting in 10X faster & stabler EDI integrations.

Global connectivity

Connect with any trading partner across the world. Zenbridge supports all global EDI standards (X12, EDIFACT, etc).

Real-time data validation

Validate partner-specific compliances in real-time, saving thousands of dollars lost as chargebacks.

Trading partner management

Sign-up, sitback & relax. We fully manage your trading partners & monitors issues.

Unlimited training and developer support
EDI crash course

Our developers give you a crash course on the fundamentals of EDI and the integrtion process.

Product & API walkthroughs

Our developers provide your team with a walkthrough of the Zenbridge platform & API. This is not limited to a single session. Zenbridge provides unlimited training & developer support. Our mission is to ensure you go live.