EDI integrations
Dillard's, Inc. is a network of American department shops with about 280 locations throughout 29 states, with its corporate headquarters in Little Rock, Arkansas. The company's primary product lines include clothing, cosmetics, furniture, and other consumer items.
Integrate EDI with Dillards and fully automate your EDI workflow in under 3 weeks, starting at $450/Mo. Zenbridge is the fastest and cheapest way to get EDI integrated with Dillards.

End-to-end EDI Automation with Dillards
Zenbridge has a pre-built connector for all EDI documents required & supported by Dillards. You can integrate the EDI transaction sets listed below with Dillards at 100% compliance.
Set No
- EDI 810 (Invoice) is an X12 transaction set to send billing information for rendered goods and services as per customary and established business and industry practice.
- EDI 816 (Organizational Relationships) is an X12 transaction set to transmit required information about a parent organization, its members, and the business relationships between members and the parent organization. EDI 816 is also used to update the application database, identify the eligibility to purchase, and terms and conditions negotiated by a parent organization or its members.
- EDI 812 (Credit/Debit Adjustment) is an X12 transaction set to update a trading partner about any adjustments or bill-back made or requested for the order. EDI 812 is a multi-directional transaction set. It contains the information and amounts for credit, debit, adjustments, and exceptions related to goods and services.
- EDI 820 (Payment Order/ Remittance Advice) is an X12 transaction set to make a payment, send remittance advice, or both. EDI 820 can be used as an order or remittance advice sent to the payer to pay the payee directly from a financial institution or a third-party agent.
- EDI 850 (Purchase Order) is an X12 transaction set to place a purchase order for goods or services with a vendor as per customary and established business and industry practice.
- EDI 846 (Inventory Inquiry/Advice) is an X12 transaction set to provide inventory information by a seller to a buyer, by a representative of a seller to that seller, and by one location to another location that is managing goods or services. It is also used to inquire about the availability of inventory without any obligations on the seller to reserve that inventory.
Pre-built ERP Integration for Dillards
Zenbridge offers pre-built connectors for some of the biggest ERPs that let you map Dillards EDI to your ERP.
Choose your freedom
Self serve mode
Fully managed mode
Unparalleled Support
Exclusive delivery manager
Trading partner management
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Unmatched Pricing
Pay when you go live
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Lowest transaction cost