Orscheln Agricultural & Home is a retailer specializing in agricultural, ranch, and home products. Orscheln Farm & Home has serviced consumers for nearly six decades, founded in 1960. The corporation maintains multiple outlets around the United States from its headquarters in Moberly, Missouri. Orscheln Farm & Home sells various items, including agricultural equipment, pet supplies, apparel, tools, and more. The company aims to supply reasonably priced, high-quality products to farmers, ranchers, and homeowners. Orscheln Farm & Home has a long history in the sector and is a reliable source for rural lifestyle basics.
Integrate EDI with OrschelnFarm and fully automate your EDI workflow in under 3 weeks, starting at $450/Mo. Zenbridge is the fastest and cheapest way to get EDI integrated with OrschelnFarm.

Zenbridge has a pre-built connector for all EDI documents required & supported by OrschelnFarm. You can integrate the EDI transaction sets listed below with OrschelnFarm at 100% compliance.
- EDI 810 (Invoice) is an X12 transaction set to send billing information for rendered goods and services as per customary and established business and industry practice.
- EDI 850 (Purchase Order) is an X12 transaction set to place a purchase order for goods or services with a vendor as per customary and established business and industry practice.
Zenbridge offers pre-built connectors for some of the biggest ERPs that let you map OrschelnFarm EDI to your ERP.