DURA Automotive Systems is a global Tier One automotive supplier specializing in the design, engineering and manufacturing of safe mobility solutions. Built on a foundation of innovation, DURA was instituted more than a century ago to produce driver control systems for the industry’s first electric cars. Today, the company’s products include mechatronic control systems, including shift-by-wire systems; electronic systems, including actuators and Advanced Driver Assist Systems (ADAS); lightweight structural body systems, including aluminum and multi-material closures; and exterior systems, including power window systems and exterior trim. With a designed-in presence on more than 300 vehicle models worldwide, DURA markets automotive products to every original equipment manufacturer (OEM) in the America’s, Asia and Europe. The company is also a supplier partner to other premier Tier One automotive suppliers.
Integrate EDI with Dura and fully automate your EDI workflow in under 3 weeks, starting at $450/Mo. Zenbridge is the fastest and cheapest way to get EDI integrated with Dura.

Zenbridge has a pre-built connector for all EDI documents required & supported by Dura. You can integrate the EDI transaction sets listed below with Dura at 100% compliance.
- EDI 810 (Invoice) is an X12 transaction set to send billing information for rendered goods and services as per customary and established business and industry practice.
- EDI 830 (Planning Schedule with Release Capability) is an X12 transaction set used for exchanging forecast/material release information between organizations as per customary and established business practices.
- EDI 832 (Prices/Sales Catalog) is an X12 transaction used to request or furnish the price for goods or services as catalogs as per customary and established business and industry practice.
- EDI 846 (Inventory Inquiry/Advice) is an X12 transaction set to provide inventory information by a seller to a buyer, by a representative of a seller to that seller, and by one location to another location that is managing goods or services. It is also used to inquire about the availability of inventory without any obligations on the seller to reserve that inventory.
Zenbridge offers pre-built connectors for some of the biggest ERPs that let you map Dura EDI to your ERP.