EDI integrations

PubMed is a free search engine accessing primarily the MEDLINE database of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics. The United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health maintain the database as part of the Entrez system of information retrieval.[1]

Integrate EDI with Pubnet and fully automate your EDI workflow in under 3 weeks, starting at $350/Mo. Zenbridge is the fastest and cheapest way to get EDI integrated with Pubnet.

End-to-end EDI Automation with Pubnet

Zenbridge has a pre-built connector for all EDI documents required & supported by Pubnet. You can integrate the EDI transaction sets listed below with Pubnet at 100% compliance.

Set No
  • 837Healthcare claim
    EDI transaction set consisting of data points is used to exchange B2B information with trading parties electronically. Each transaction set is identified by a unique code to send, receive, and store data
  • 835Healthcare claim payment/advice
    EDI transaction set consisting of data points is used to exchange B2B information with trading parties electronically. Each transaction set is identified by a unique code to send, receive, and store data
  • 270Healthcare eligibility/benefit inquiry
    EDI transaction set consisting of data points is used to exchange B2B information with trading parties electronically. Each transaction set is identified by a unique code to send, receive, and store data
  • 271Healthcare eligibility/benefit response
    EDI transaction set consisting of data points is used to exchange B2B information with trading parties electronically. Each transaction set is identified by a unique code to send, receive, and store data
  • 276IHealthcare claim status request
    EDI transaction set consisting of data points is used to exchange B2B information with trading parties electronically. Each transaction set is identified by a unique code to send, receive, and store data
Pre-built ERP Integration for Pubnet

Zenbridge offers pre-built connectors for some of the biggest ERPs that let you map Pubnet EDI to your ERP.

  • Netsuite ERP
  • Shopify ERP
  • QuickBooksERP
  • InforERP
  • ZohoBooksERP
  • AcumaticERP
  • MicrosoftDyanamic365ERP
  • MagentoERP
  • SageERP
  • odooERP
  • epicorERP
  • salesOrderERP
  • SysProERP
  • Abaserp
  • AptanERP
  • ExactERP
  • QadERP
  • Unit4ERP
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